Leadership Positions for Scouts in Ann Arbor's Troop 7

Leadership Opportunities

Leadership opportunities abound in Scouts BSA, and Ann Arbor's Troop 7 is no exception.  Here is a list of the leadership positions that are available to scouts in Troop 7.

Senior Patrol Leader: The Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) is the highest position in our troop.  Their responsibilities are to run all of our troop meeting, events, and activities.  They run the PLC meetings.  They also appoint scouts to other positions.

Assistant Senior Patrol Leader: The Assistant Senior Patrol Leader's (ASPL) main responsibility is to help the Senior Patrol Leader.  They also run meetings and activities when the Senior Patrol Leader is absent.

Patrol Leader: Our troop has multiple patrols, each one having their own patrol leader.  Their responsibilities include keeping the patrol on task, assisting in coordinating patrol meetings, assigning jobs to members of the patrol, and representing the patrol when needed.

Assistant Patrol Leader: Our troop has one Assistant Patrol Leaders for each patrol.  Their responsibilities are to help the Patrol Leader and to act as the Patrol Leader when he is absent.

Den Chief: The Den Chief attends the meetings of a Cub Scout Pack.  His responsibilities include representing our troop to Cub Scouts and to help out that Cub Scout Pack.

OA Troop Representative: The Order of the Arrow Troop Representative is a member of the Order of the Arrow, conducts spring elections, and represents the Order of the Arrow at our troop meetings.

Quartermaster: The responsibilities of the Quartermaster are to organize the troop’s equipment, to make sure equipment is in useable condition, and to keep equipment records.

Scribe: The responsibilities of the Scribe are to attend all PLC meetings, take notes on PLC meetings, and to keep attendance.

Librarian:  The responsibilities of the Librarian are to organize the merit badge books, keep records on who has merit badge books, and to suggest new books to buy.

Historian: The responsibilities of the Historian are to take photos on campouts, keep photos and facts about the troop in a scrapbook, and to keep information about former members of the troop.

Bugler: The responsibility of the bugler is to make bugle calls as necessary during campouts.  They are also responsible for getting the troop’s attention when needed.

Leave No Trace Coordinator: The responsibility of the Leave No Trace Coordinator is to ensure scouts follow the Leave No Trace Guidelines.

Webmaster: The responsibilities of the Webmaster are to manage the website and to update the calendar.