About Scout Troop 7

We are Scout Led

Led by Scouts means exactly that. At Scout meetings, on trips, and at other Scouting events, the Scouts lead. The troop is organized into patrols, each with a Patrol Leader. The Senior Patrol Leader, with a Patrol Leaders Council (PLC), is responsible for setting the schedule and running meetings, planning activities on camping trips, and even selecting the trips we go on.

Adults play a vital role in ensuring that scouts are always safe.  

But the troop gives the Senior Patrol Leader, Patrol Leaders and Scouts the chance to lead, make decisions, and – yes – make (and learn from) mistakes. 

You might wonder, "What if I see my own child – or some other Scout – struggling at a meeting or on a trip?"  Scout meetings might sometimes seem chaotic, and there may be times that adults need to intervene.  But, in general, adults try to keep a light touch and give Scouts the chance to be responsible for their own success in Scouting.

Troop 7 scouts on a winter trip up north: snow shoeing, hiking to ice caves, and visiting frozen waterfalls.

We Plan Big Adventures

Our scouts plan some awesome adventures. Every year the scouts plan a longer bigger adventure than our typical monthly campout. These are open to all scouts, not just older scouts. Think high adventure-lite.

For Troop 7's second annual sustainability campout, we toured a DTE solar farm and stayed at Holly state Recreation area and fun was had by all.